Handbook “Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education”

The handbook “Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education” is the first intellectual outcome developed within the project “Creativity and innovation in adult education for development of entrepreneurial mind-set of citizens with fewer opportunities”. It is an innovative publication with relevant topics useful for development of entrepreneurial mind-set of the project’s main target group – unemployed citizens with fewer opportunities background. The handbook brings all up-to-date findings and descriptions of different core domains, characteristics, behaviours and skills (intrapersonal, interpersonal and creativity) that together form an entrepreneurial mind-set and drive action. The handbook also serves as theoretical and conceptual resource for adult educators when organising further education, training and mentoring of citizens in changing their mind-sets and inspiring them to recognize an otherwise overlooked opportunity, develop the confidence to take a risk, communicate their ideas clearly, and to be able to adjust to and learn from setbacks; in line with the latest developments in new era entrepreneurship.