In the period from 28.11. until 02.12.2022. Youth Power held a five-day residential training for peer educators from eight partner high schools from the HNK/HNŽ area. The training was organized in cooperation with the pedagogues of partner high schools, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports HNK/HNŽ, the Mostar Pedagogical Institute and the Mostar Institute of Education.

During the five-day event, youngsters learned about what peer education is, what are the elements of successful youth education, discussed how an ideal educator should look and behave, and had the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to hold workshops related to peer education. The last two days of training were devoted to workshop simulations and practical learning about the implementation of educational workshops from Program Y.
The new generation of peer educators in HNK/HNŽ, total 42 young men and women, will actively work on preventing violence and promoting healthier lifestyles with their peers; through educational workshops, activities and campaigns in their schools.

A new generation of educators was trained during the global 16 days of activism in the fight against violence against women, thereby sending the message that violence is a problem that we need to solve every day, through continuous education, activities and campaigns with young people.
The activity was implemented within the project Young Men Initiative III (YMI): “Promoting Healthier Lifestyles and Decrease of Interpersonal Violence among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes III“, supported by the Swiss Government, Oak Foundation, Austrian Development Agency and CARE International Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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