We hope that your 2022 was filled with love, happiness and health. We hope you have fulfilled all your dreams or at least some of your dreams so that you have something for next year as well. Our 2022 was a year of training courses, new projects and campaigns. Of the many activities we had this year, we have decided to choose 8 moments that defined our 2022. Let’s remind ourselves together what we have done this year:
1. 3rd Youth Power Great Minds Meeting – Youth Power has organized 3rd Great Minds Meeting within the “Digitalisation and innovation of Youth work methodology for inclusion of immigrants” project that took place in Berlin on June 9, 2022. One of the main goals of this conference was to inspire and to exchange practices and experiences, networking and finding solutions on how youth workers can use digitalisation in innovative way in order to increase attractiveness of the youth work activities and make them up-to-date for better impact on inclusion and engagement of both mainstream and marginalised, immigrant youngsters.

2. Erasmus+ training courses – This year, Youth Power has organized numerous Erasmus+ training courses but we will only point out just one and it’s“Media literacy in light of political participation and engagement in democratic processes” training course that was organized in August this year. The main goal of this training course was to raise competences and skills of participants for development, implementation and evaluation of youth work activities through programs focused on democracy, political participation and media literacy.

3. “Become Bold” – Youth Power, through its project Become BOLD, organized an educational training for 58 young people from all over BiH, with the aim of developing and improving the skills of writing project proposals focused on positive changes in local communities. Educational training was held in Blagaj, Mostar, in the period from 07.03.2022. to 16.03.2022.

4. Mental Health Campaign week – World Mental Health, which takes place every year at October 10, was perfect opportunity for us to launch our online campaign in October 2022. Between October 10 – 14 we wanted to remind our followers that mental health matters and that no one should be ashamed of it. Check out our videos on Instagram/TikTok and find out more.

5. EU-Western Balkans Summit – transforming global uncertainty – We had opportunity to be part of “Balkans Summit: transforming global uncertainty” that took place in Brussels this year. Senior decision makers discussed crucial developments and creative solutions for the Western Balkans and our CEO Armin Cerkez had opportunity to give speech about entrepreneurship and current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and balkan countries in general.

6. 16 days of activism activities – Every year, Youth Power is regularly organizing various street actions and online campaigns for the global campaign “16 days of activism”. This year, besides various campaigns that we did, one activity stood out. Street action “Route against gender based violence” in Mostar gathered more than 60 youngsters to raise their voices against violence. The action was held on December 9 with the aim of raising citizens’ awareness of the importance of this global campaign and ending violence against women once and for all.

7. New generation of peer educators – This year in November Youth Power held a five-day residential training for peer educators from eight partner high schools from the HNK/HNŽ area. During this training, youngsters learned about what peer education is, what are the elements of successful youth education, discussed how an ideal educator should look and behave, and had the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to hold workshops related to peer education.

8. Volleyball tournament as part of promoting healthier lifestyles – As part of our work on promoting healthier lifestyles and prevention of violence, we organized the tournament in cooperation with partner high schools in the area of HNK / HNŽ. The tournament gathered 100 young people divided into 8 teams.