Gamified and digital methods for youth participation

  • Project: Gamified and digital methods for youth participation
  • Project duration: 01.09.2024. – 31.08.2026.
  • Project reference: 2024-1-FI01-KA220-YOU-000250538
  • Grant amount: 400 000,00 €
  • Donor: European Union

Objectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project?
As traditional methods of youth participation wane in appeal, particularly within political parties, there’s a pressing need for
innovative approaches to avert a looming crisis in democracy. This project revitalises and amplifies youth involvement
across European countries. Through mapping, testing, developing, and disseminating gamified and digital methods, the initiative seeks to inspire active youth participation, influence, and inclusion at local, regional, national, and European levels.

Implementation: What activities are you going to implement? The main project activities include:
– Mapping out digital and gamified participation methods and publish the findings
– Piloting and refining the most promising methods with youth in different European countries in real life situatuons
– Visualizing and gathering the methods into an accessible online method bank service including AI-assistance
– Disseminating the online method bank and encouraging organizations and youth workers to use the tried and tested
innovative participation methods.

Results: What project results and other outcomes do you expect your project to have?
– 25 piloted, evaluated and refined methods for digital and gamified youth participation and inclusion
– An advanced, AI supported online method bank and service
– Guidelines to utilise new methodology in co-operating and co-creating with the youth in Europe
– Peers support serving network of forerunner organisations utilising digital and gamified methods in youth participation and
– Network of young people collaborating on a digital platform, strengthening existing youth networks.