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CARE: The partners’ meeting in Sarajevo!
Youth Power had opportunity to be part of partner’s meeting in Sarajevo, September 29, where CARE team, partners from Banja...
Raising Quality of Youth Work and Non-Formal Education by Empowering Youth Workers
Carousel 8, together with Youth Power, has organized Erasmus+ training course “How to design a learning experience” in Zadar...
Training course on Media Literacy for Youth Workers
Youth Power, together with Carousel 8 and NVO Glas, has organized Erasmus+ training course “Media literacy in light of political...
First regional Youth Leadership Camp in Sutjeska gathered 70 youngsters from all over the Balkan
Youth Power, together with volunteers and members of Be A Men Club Mostar, was part of the regional Youth Leadership Camp...
50 people attended at Great Minds Meeting in Berlin
Youth Power has organized 3rd Great Minds Meeting within the “Digitalisation and innovation of Youth work methodology for...
Volleyball tournament gathered 100 youngsters from Mostar
Youngsters from Be Men Club Mostar, which is operated by Youth Power, are on Thursday 26.05. organized a volleyball tournament...
Conference on the results of the initial research and the innovative program for work in primary schools
A conference entitled “Strategic and multisectoral approach in the prevention of violence and the promotion of healthy lifestyles...
Inclusion of immigrants and asylum seekers through sport and sports games
Just after we finished with one training course, we immediately began with another one. “Large-scale youth sport work events...
Training course about strategic planning gathered 33 participants from various European countries
For the last ten days we were in Zadar organizing Erasmus+ training course “Strategic planning – step by step”. The main...
58 young leaders looking for positive changes in their local communities
Youth Power, through its project Become BOLD, organized an educational training for 58 young people from all over BiH, with...
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