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This research has been done as part of the project “One Step Ahead”. This document represents collection...
This is a summary of the community need assessment methods that were introduced to youth workers who...
Young people in our communities are faced with many rapid changes around them which have direct impact...
Ovaj kurikulum je usko povezan s trening kursom „Digital Marketing for all“. Sastoji se od detaljno dizajniranih...
Motivation of partners in this project is to “equip” young women with set of ICT skills needed to work...
Ovaj kurikulum usko je povezan sa trening kursom „Adapting existing enterprises to Digital Revolution“. Sastoji...
Motivation of partners in this project is to “equip” young women with set of ICT skills...
Овај приручник садржи интерактивне радионице које су прилагођене за рад са одраслима и обрађивање проблема...
Ovaj priručnik sadrži interaktivne radionice prilagođene radu s odraslima i rješavanju problema s kojima...
Mladi – Inovativni pristupi u prevenciji rodno zasnovanog nasilja i promociji zdravih životnih stilova...
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